Mindful leadership

Mindful leadership

A mindful leader is someone who is aware of what he or she brings into the relationship with the team members and the team. In order to be able to do that, it is important to create space between what comes to us and how we react. This creates more choices about how we can deal with situations. It helps us deal with setbacks, better manage our own energy, and then it helps us support our team even better.

In the session:

we learn about the biology and psychology of how our brains work and how mindfulness can help us make better use of our brains and our energy.
we do exercises that create more space between what comes our way and how we respond
we reflect which exercises work best for us and how we can incorporate them in our daily practice
we learn how to deal mindfully with difficult situations
we practice with difficult situations and how we can take care of ourselves in them
we discuss practical examples of how we can be more mindful in a conversation
we practice mindful techniques in conversations
we practice conversations as a leader with our team and how mindful can help us in this

Between sessions:

We practice in practice with small concrete exercises
We come together in small groups to help and inspire each other
We make a practical plan about what and how we want to put this into practice


What participants said about this program:

“I really liked it and everything was explained very clearly. I have learned a lot about mindful leadership ”

“I find the session very inspiring and you are really invited to actively participate”

“The training sessions were a welcome change from the rush and speed of the day. I found the exercises very pleasant and the conversations with my colleagues were also very useful and inspiring ”

OMG Advies

OMG specializes in training and coaching for professionals. For over ten years, we facilitate both online and onsite sessions for leaders and professionals on a wide range of topics.


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