Leadership Training: How do you lead your herd?

Organizational adviceTrainingLeadership Training: How do you lead your herd?

An elephant herd is always led by one elephant. Imagine how only one elephant gets a herd of 200-300 elephants walking in the same direction. She makes sure they all collaborate successfully to find food, raise the little ones and protect themselves from harm. What can we learn from this type of leadership?

For who?

People who lead teams that need to collaborate.


  • What can we learn from the elephant?
  • How to translate this to your own work environment
  • Learn how patterns of elephant herds help us understand the dynamics within our team and help us influence them
  • By working with the elephant, we learn more about the science of behaviour and learn to apply this in our conversations with our team

Where? At Ouwehands Zoo in Rhenen


8.30h Welcome + Introduction

9.00h Science of behaviour by facilitator

9.30h Introduction to the behaviour of the elephants by animal caretaker

10.00h Small Break

10.15h Training with the elephants yourself

11.30h Reflection on the training

12h Lunch

13h How does this influence our behaviour as leaders?

13.30h Practice and feedback

15h Small Break

15.15h Practice and feedback

16.30h Action planning

17h Finish

OMG Advies

OMG specializes in training and coaching for professionals. For over ten years, we facilitate both online and onsite sessions for leaders and professionals on a wide range of topics.


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